Nov. 6, 2023

Time Travel and Toilet Trips

Time Travel and Toilet Trips

In this episode, author Ryan Anderson discusses his views on pre-earth history, the motives of Lucifer's rebellion, and the concept of time travel from a biblical perspective. He also explores the connections between Moses, Elijah, and Jesus, suggesting that their biblical encounters could be a form of time travel. Anderson shares his research process, including his exploration of additional texts like the Book of Enoch for broader understanding. The episode concludes with a light-hearted discussion on time travel movies.


Introduction of Guest and Topic (00:00:45) Introducing Ryan Anderson, an author and father, and discussing the exciting and stretching topic they will be talking about.

Lucifer's Rebellion and the Gap Theory (00:04:16) Exploring the gap theory and discussing the different interpretations of Lucifer's rebellion against God.

The Fall of Lucifer and his Protest against Man (00:11:31) Ryan discusses the idea of Lucifer protesting man in the courts of heaven and the possible connection to Islamic, Jewish, and Gnostic traditions.

The Timing of the Fall of Angels (00:13:14) Ryan and Brandon speculate on whether the fall of angels occurred during the Garden of Eden and the potential implications of this perspective.

Different Viewpoints on the Fall of Satan (00:21:09) Ryan and Brandon explore the various beliefs and viewpoints regarding when Satan fell, highlighting the lack of a predominant perspective.

Time Travel in the Bible (00:24:32) Ryan discusses the possibility of time travel being a biblical concept, challenging philosophical objections.

Understanding Time and Eternity (00:29:09) Ryan explains that time was created by God and that He exists outside of time, being able to see the beginning, middle, and end.

Malleability of Time (00:33:05) Ryan cites examples from Scripture where time appears to be manipulated, such as Hezekiah's request for the sundial's shadow to go backward and Joshua's command for the sun and moon to stand still.

Moses' Encounter with God (00:36:07) Moses pleads with God to show him His glory and God reveals His goodness while covering Moses with His hand.

Elijah on Mount Sinai (00:39:56) Elijah, after a bold confrontation with false prophets, runs away and is instructed by God to go to Mount Sinai. God passes by and reveals Himself to Elijah.

Jesus on the High Mountain (00:43:57) Peter, James, and John accompany Jesus to a high mountain, possibly Mount Sinai, where Jesus is transfigured and reveals His glory to them.

The Transfiguration (00:44:56) Jesus is transfigured before Peter, James, and John, and Moses and Elijah appear before them.

Moses and the Ten Commandments (00:45:54) Moses rewrites the Ten Commandments after being with Jesus on the mount, and his face is glowing.

Elijah's Boldness and Anointing (00:46:50) Elijah becomes bold, anoints a new king, and gains a new helper, Elisha, after being with Jesus on the mount.

The deep revelation of Scripture (00:56:40) Discussion on how the understanding of Scripture goes beyond surface-level and continues to reveal deeper truths over time.

The value of non-inspired books (00:59:14) Exploration of the apocrypha and other non-inspired books as sources of valuable information that shed light on the Word of God.

Favorite time travel movie: "About Time" (01:04:49) Ryan Anderson shares his favorite time travel movie, "About Time," and describes its plot and themes.

The movie with two names (01:07:06) Discussion about a movie with Ryan Reynolds that has two names and is considered vulgar but cute and funny.

Ryan Reynolds' little kid version (01:07:34) Remembering a movie with Ryan Reynolds where he played a character that resembled his little kid version.

Unidentified movie (01:07:38) The hosts and guest discuss a movie they can't remember the name of and ask the audience for help in identifying it.