July 10, 2023

Exploring the End Times with Doug Van Dorn

Exploring the End Times with Doug Van Dorn

Our recurring guest and friend, Doug Van Dorn shares his unique perspective on eschatology and the Book of Revelation. He explains the concept of two ages, the present age and the age to come, and how it relates to understanding eschatology. Doug delves into the significance of the millennium in the pre-millennial view and its purpose for Jesus to rule as king before the eternal state is established. He also discusses the different ways to interpret the Book of Revelation, emphasizing the importance of reading it cyclically or chiastically rather than chronologically. Doug's insights provide a thought-provoking and comprehensive understanding of the end times.




| 0:01:46 | Speculation on the economy and politics 

| 0:02:41 | Fifth generation warfare and controlling the mind 

| 0:04:28 | Living in unprecedented times 

| 0:06:11 | Uncertainty about the end times 

| 0:07:26 | Living in interesting times, different than expectations 

| 0:10:23 | Different views on eschatology 

| 0:11:21 | Different millennial views and Doug's journey 

| 0:14:00 | Different views on the millennium 

| 0:15:00 | Two ages and the overlap 

| 0:19:41 | Different views on the purpose of the millennium 

| 0:20:37 | Chiasm and cycles in the Book of Revelation 

| 0:36:38 | Importance of understanding chiasm and cycles in Revelation 

| 0:43:33 | Chiasm and cycles in the Book of Revelation 

| 0:44:05 | Revelation as a chiasm and the Garden of Eden parallel 

| [0:44:33] | Different battles and judgment days in Revelation 

| [0:45:25] | Revelation's internal clues for reading it cyclically 

| [0:49:00] | Invitation to explore different views of eschatology 

| [0:51:18] | Different millennial views and their historical origins 

| [0:57:39] | The parallel structure of the Gospel of John and Revelation 

| [1:03:05] | The earthly counterpart of Revelation is the Gospel of John 

| [1:14:00] | The disenchantment with dispensationalism and exploration of other views 

| [1:20:00] | The overlap of the present age and the age to come 

| [1:25:45] | Importance of reading Revelation chiastically and cyclically 

| [1:28:45] | The importance of understanding the cultural context and literary style 

| [1:45:25] | The purpose of the millennium in pre-millennialism 

| [1:49:00] | Conclusion and invitation to explore eschatology further 

| [1:28:20] | The new Jerusalem and the camp of the saints in Revelation 20 

| [1:29:04] | Jesus says his church is the Temple 

| [1:30:15] | The New Jerusalem replaces the temple 

| [1:30:40] | The chiasm in Revelation connects the new Jerusalem and the seven churches 

| [1:31:11] | The new Jerusalem is already here but has a future reality 

| [1:35:41] | Different ways of reading Revelation: futurist, predatorist, historicist 

| [1:37:12] | The strengths of Amillennialism in incorporating different views 

| [1:39:03] | Eschatology should not be used to interpret current events 

| [1:42:55] | The importance of grounding theology in the word of God 

| [1:45:30] | Conclusion and gratitude for the discussion on eschatology