June 26, 2023

Infiltration of Occult & New Age Practices in the Church... and other stuff!

Infiltration of Occult & New Age Practices in the Church... and other stuff!

We have with us again, Amy from Eyes on the Right to discuss the infiltration of occult and New Age practices in the church. The conversation highlights the broad brush of terms and ideas that fall under the category of New Age, which at its core is about worshipping creation over the Creator and idolizing the self. The hosts and guest emphasize the importance of looking at these practices through a spiritual lens and shedding light on them to help others avoid dabbling in occultism and idolatry.  Plus conversation about …other stuff! 



| 0:03:11|  New Age practices as worshipping creation over the Creator 

| 0:04:20 | Gaia type religion 

| 0:04:55 | The dangers of creation worship and the subtle infiltration of Wokism in the church

| 0:06:22 | Theosophy and its connection to creation worship 

| 0:07:17 | Marxism's gnostic, dark spiritual foundation 

| 0:08:24 | The importance of discernment and being grounded in scripture 

| 0:09:15 | World system is built on Luciferian, gnostic, occultic ideas 

| 0:09:50 | The connection between the occult and homosexuality in ministry |

| 0:10:14 | LGBTQ+ community are attracted to the occult and how the enemy perverts 

| 0:12:11 | Alice Bailey's connection to New Age movement and the dangers of self-enlightenment and gnosis 

| 0:14:23 | The devil's tactic of sandwiching lies between truth 

| 0:16:32 | Alice Bailey's ten-point plan to destroy Christianity and convert nations 

| 0:19:00 | The destruction of the Judeo-Christian family structure, including the portrayal of men in media and celebrity culture 

| 0:20:09 | The ten-point plan continued

| 0:23:59 | Discussion of why the early 20th century was an explosion of occult activity 

| 0:25:06 | The interfaith movement as a step towards a one-world religion

| 0:25:37 | Yoga, ritualism, and wokism in the church

| 0:29:40 | Being aware of the enemy's subtle schemes and the danger of seeking gnosis over God's Word

| 0:30:16 | The importance of small decisions in spiritual discernment and the need for community 

| 0:34:38 | The importance of accountability and humility in discernment 

| 0:35:04 | The danger of unteachable people and the devil's playground of social media 

| 0:36:15 | Growth, sanctification, and kindness in leading people to repentance 

| 0:39:07 | Cautioning against dabbling in New Age practices and seeking the Lord's wisdom 

| 0:40:09 | Discussion of renewed Christians promoting former New Age practices without understanding the true Christian walk 

| 0:40:49 | The need for sanctification and deliverance even for former New Agers

| 0:41:29 | The danger of social media and subtle stumbling blocks in spiritual discernment 

| 0:42:20 | Using the peace of God to guide decisions and discernment 

| 0:43:03 | The connection between New Ageism and the serpent's temptation in Genesis 

| 0:44:04 | Discussion of how the flesh can also lead to subtle deception 

| 0:44:20 | Micro dosing, ayahuasca, and psychedelic drugs in mainstream media

| 0:45:09 | The possibility of using psychedelic drugs to treat anxiety and depression |

| 0:48:50 | The three aspects of depression: demonic, mind renewal, and physical alignment 

| 0:49:02 | The importance of healing traumas and deliverance

| 0:49:33 | The use of medication for depression and the need for Holy Spirit initiation in spiritual experiences 

| 0:50:56 | Psychedelic drugs and the danger of infestation with spirits 

| 0:52:10 | Using discernment with medication and the danger of counterfeit spiritual experiences 

| 0:53:29 | The importance of fleeing from Ayahuasca and LSD 

| 0:53:58 | Discussion of the alternative agenda behind celebrities and media pushing psychedelic drugs and the importance of seeking the Lord's discernment 

| 1:08:44 | Importance of loyalty, respect, and intimacy in Christian friendships 

| 1:09:33 | Multiplication as more than just numbers of people, but also prosperity and fruitfulness in growing the kingdom 

| 1:12:31 | Hope in Jesus Christ and the importance of obedience and abiding with Him